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Work with us

Human Resources and Employment

At Agrosol Export we consider human capital our most valuable asset. This is why our human resources team makes absolutely sure that the business has the right staff to carry out its operations. We need people with the skills and up-to-date knowledge needed to bring value to the business, as well as having the right motivation needed to give their all and achieve company objectives. To meet these needs, we have a workforce of around 200 people, in place since our inception in 2009, split between operators, technicians, managers and executives.

An expanding company

Agrosol Export S.L., Human Resources and Employment

Diversity and inclusion: 85% of staff from 5 different nationalities

Agrosol has recently incorporated two strategic factors into its management objectives: a culture of quality and excellence, together with diversity and inclusion in our human resources. Our recruitment and assessment processes focus on finding the best people for each job, irrespective of gender, nationality, race, or physical capabilities. We currently have more than 170 non-native staff, of 5 different nationalities, and more than 70 women in different jobs across the workforce, from management to field operations.

Traditionally, employment in the agricultural sector was very seasonal, with periods of high workload alternating with periods of low activity. Nowadays the situation has improved thanks to use of the latest technologies, which allow production to continue well beyond traditional months. This not only has a positive impact on the profitability of investments and increases production and sales, but also gives our employees a more stable job throughout the year, which means we can rely on a unified team that is committed to our work.

Agrosol Export is a constantly growing business, committed to diversity and inclusion. Irrespective of gender, nationality, race or physical capabilities, if you are passionate about the countryside and you share our values, please don’t hesitate to send your CV to the following address:

Our facilities are all located in Poniente Almeriense, and our headquarters are in Roquetas de Mar.