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2016 – 2017 SEASON

Dear friends of Agrosol Export:

Like in a traditional vegetable garden, the crops in our greenhouses start with a yearly plan. The big difference is that our technological investments and innovation of our equipment and processes gives us greater freedom when choosing the season’s crop programme.

Let us show you our plans for the next season, the reasons behind them and which are the best months to buy our products.

Star products: tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers

Tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers are staples in our greenhouses. They are the real stars of the show here and we give them special attention in order to adapt them to the needs of our clients.


Our tomatoes: trends and tradition

This season we are growing three varieties of tomato at Agrosol Export: Piccolo, Baby Plum and vine tomatoes. We grow Piccolo and Baby Plum tomatoes for their fragrance and flavour, but also because of their popularity amongst our clients. Snack tomatoes are a growing trend and are a great way to introduce children to the goodness of fruit and veg as well as being ready to eat. They make a healthy aperitif and can also be used to decorate or accompany a main dish.


When it comes to our vine tomatoes, we grow them with care and attention to give our clients and consumers that real “tomato” flavour and classic fragrance that reminds us of tomatoes straight from the garden. You don’t need to have your own vegetable garden to enjoy high quality tomatoes. At Agrosol we work around the clock to put the best quality produce on your table.

Agrosol Export cucumbers: great flavour and growth

We are growing 2 varieties of cucumber for this season just starting: Almeria and Midi.

The reasons for growing each variety are different. We grow the Almeria or Dutch cucumbers (named after the growers who introduced them here 3 decades ago) for their non-bitter flavour, their large size of up to 40cm and their lack of spines.
The Midi cucumber has similar organoleptic qualities to the Almeria, but is smaller in size. This improves distribution in supermarkets and means that when buying by a certain weight or cooking certain recipes, you don’t need to cut the fruit up, which increases its shelf life in the shop and at home.

Agrosol Export peppers: a traffic light (red, yellow and green) of vitamins

In our crop plan this season, we have included three varieties of pepper: California, Ramiro Rojo and Sweet Bite. The California and the Ramiro Rojo peppers have large, sweet fruit, and are always great quality regardless of whether they ripen into green, yellow, orange or red peppers.
Sweet Bites are mini peppers that grow into every shade of red and yellow, and they go perfectly with our Cherrytos&Go snacks.


A constantly evolving, wide range of products

Although tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers are staples in our vegetable gardens, they aren’t the only fruit and veg that we grow.

We also grow courgettes, aubergines, melons, and watermelons… In short, the produce for 2016 – 2017 at Agrosol doesn’t just stop at the different varieties of tomato, cucumber and pepper. There is a whole host of other fresh produce from our greenhouses.

For us, the product doesn’t just end at the fruit or vegetable itself. It’s a combination of how we grow them, package them and market them to satisfy our clients and add value from a business perspective. With this in mind, this season, the team here at Agrosol have collaborated with our clients to outline production programmes that will satisfy our consumers 100%, every month of the year. If you want to find out what our seasonal products are, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Working with us

Research and development


If you prefer
you can call us

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

T.: +34 950 320 753
F.: +34 950 324 300

Calle. San Francisco, 10
Roquetas de Mar, Almería. España


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